Veterans Inspiring Patriotism

Bring living history to your school or organization.

Through the Veterans Inspiring Patriotism (VIP) program, Veterans visit classrooms and youth organizations to share personal stories and deliver educational material that specifically focuses on the roots of our constitutional republic: the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and the U.S. Flag.

Additionally, students learn about the roles and responsibilities associated with a life of active, engaged citizenship. Led by a trained Veteran, the program is offered FREE and typically lasts 30 – 50 minutes in length. Designed to be customized to all grade levels, the presentation features an educational session and personal testimony by a U.S. military veteran followed by time for questions and answers with your students.

Participating classrooms and youth organizations receive free American flags and copies of the U.S. Constitution, Bill of Rights, and Declaration of Independence.

When requesting a presentation, please request dates at least 21 days in advance to allow ample time for coordination.

Request a presentation           Veteran? Volunteer today. 

“Thank you for coming to speak to us. You were very inspiring. I now know what it truly means to be an American.”

Jesse, Third Grade

The new ASU chapter of the Veterans Heritage Project

This student organization is now accepting new members that are interested in learning history, from WWII to recent conflicts, first-hand from a veteran, how to write, tell, and publish their stories, and participating in civic engagement events to enrich the connection with veterans in your community.

Join VHP today!Start a VHP Chapter at your school.

VHP Meeting at the Coor Hall library

A look at our past work!